Home Mortgage Tips - Chase Bank Loan Modification Help

In one way, the Chase Bank Loan Modification is Chase Bank's way to reach out to home owners. It is helpful particularly when a home owner is facing hardship for the repayment of the loan. If the Bank officials think that a particular customer is eligible for the modification, then they ask for some additional required qualifications. The sooner the customer responds to the proposal, it is expected his/her approval gets quick acceptance and foreclosure can be avoided.

Having adequate knowledge can guide the customer to get the process done right. Nearly 2.2 million customers (i.e. home owners) are facing the problem of foreclosure because they are stuck in between the adjustable mortgage rate that a bank charges and cannot avail the benefit of refinance. Instead of feeling stupid, it is advisable to gather information about the insurer of the mortgage. Chase Bank can help in getting the information more quickly just may be in one phone call.

If the insurer is Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae, particular customers are lucky. These organizations can help the modification of your loan more easily. One can get the repayment option of just 31% of their gross monthly income. If the insurer is any other than Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, there is no need to worry. Chase Bank Loan Modification is there to help the customer in a great way.

The Chase Bank loan modification package is backed by the JP Morgan group and they are able to assist defaulters even if the loan is through a different organization. Chase Bank gives the option of repaying mortgages at 31% to 40% of a customer's monthly income.

To qualify for assistance, you must live in the house in question and it must be your first mortgage. Submission of all papers like pay stubs, tax returns and other relevant financial documents are required. On confirmation, the bank will notify the customer about the terms of repayments, next payment date and all other matters. As this bank doesn't enjoy any governmental help or funding, the repayment option is around 40% of monthly income, as mentioned earlier. Repayment burden may be a bit higher, but it is still a safe and better alternative than foreclosure and losing your home.

The bottom line: Modifying a mortgage is always a feasible substitute to deter foreclosure and the Chase Bank Loan Modification is a definite safe guard for your home.

For detailed information on How to Obtain a Chase Loan Modification, visit MortgageModificationTips.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Witts

Personal Investment & Loan Tips : Bank Loan Tips & Advice

Deciding to get a bank loan is a big decision, and one should know details about what to expect when applying for a loan. Decide if a bank loan is a good form of investment and what type of loan to...


Do Not Make This Mistake and Lose Your Home to Foreclosure!

Are you about to lose your home? I know a lot of people who are going through this right now. In fact, a friend of mine is going through this right now, and he just got laid off his job and about to lose his house. So I know what you are going. It is not easy, and I know you are wondering, how are you going to be able to refinance and get through this? This is a time when you are getting turned down for a loan modification and so are many other people. I wish I had this option before I had to foreclose on my home. Please do not let this happen to you and your family.

Keep reading this article if you want to know how you can lower your mortgage payment by hundreds of dollars or lower your interest rate. You can find a way to catch up on missed payments, put them at the end of the loan, or combine your first and second mortgage. There are definitely ways to do that and there are a lot of resources that can help you. If you are like my friend or me, you did not have any problems making your mortgage payment, but then something happened that threw your budget off, right?

The problem I had was having one of those adjustable mortgages, and things just got out of hand. But let me tell you this, you are not alone. People like you and me are losing homes to foreclosures at a frightening pace. I mean, it got so bad that the interest rate reset cost me my home. This is just getting so out of hand. You ask yourself how would your family make it. Something has to be done and fast! I can see it right now, going over the budget with your husband or wife at the kitchen table to see how you can come up with an extra few hundred dollars. You are already in debt, how are you going to come up with extra money?

One thing I can tell you is that there are people out there who are modifying their loans and avoiding foreclosure. It may be a little work, but there is info out there that can show you how to get a loan modification. And you do not have to pay a lot of money to someone lawyer to get your loan modified. Keep reading.

Are you already months behind on your mortgage payments? A loan modification may save your home? Click here to stop the foreclosure process.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ken_Watson

5 Refinancing Steps to Stop Foreclosure Fast

Unable to service your mortgage payments due to the unrelenting economic condition? Or perhaps you certainly lost your job and are unable to make your monthly mortgage payments on time. Whatever the case maybe, facing mortgage foreclosure is not an ideal scenario for anyone. When faced with this dilemma, you would need to find solutions fast to the question of how to stop foreclosure, or risk losing your home and ending up on the streets. Not a beautiful scenario when you consider that your family would end up on the streets with you, homeless. Nevertheless, you can breathe a little easier now as there are plenty of ways to stop home foreclosure if you need help in this segment.

One of the most effective and functional way to stop foreclosure is by refinancing your mortgage. Do you need to refinance to stop foreclosure? If yes is the answer to that question, then refer to the following refinancing steps that could help you salvage your home and avoid foreclosure impacts. Let us now look at the 5 steps of refinancing to enable you to stop foreclosure, fast:

1) Extend the duration or length of your mortgage, this is a kind of mortgage-modification plan that could help you hold off foreclosure. For instance, if you have a current 20-year plan for your home, you could probably extend it to a 30-year plan so that your monthly commitment amount is much lower than before.

2) Find deals that would allow you to refinance your home at a lower interest rate, this could be accomplished by scouting around for different deals from multiple banks and financial institutions that are willing to offer better refinancing rates than your current offer. Remember that interest rates fluctuate all the time, thus choose a good time to refinance your home, and reap the reward for your wise choice!

3) Avoid adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) as much as possible. Though these plans are attractive and appealing as the initial interest rates are amazingly low, the rates tend to increase substantially over time, and you would end up paying a lot more in the long run. If you are having one of these plans currently, seek to refinance immediately with more sensible refinancing plans.

4) Always ensure that you work with only legitimate and reputable mortgage companies when you seek to refinance. Get recommendations from friends, experts in the field, or even on the internet before you opt for any company to help you with this dilemma. Go through their track record and if possible, talk to previous clients of the company to see if the plans that are offered really work. Better safe than sorry!

5) Lastly, before you opt to refinance with a different bank or financial institution, try to get a rate reduction from your current lender. You could put forward the offers that you have received from other banks to help you negotiate, your current lenders would most likely be forced to offer you an improved offer on your current loan as they would not want to lose a client to a competitor. Especially if foreclosure is a serious option, the lenders would definitely offer you a better deal.

There you go, five simple steps to help you keep foreclosure away, and save your home despite you being in financial difficulties. Good luck in your bid to salvage your home!

Find out more information about government help to stop foreclosure and how to stop foreclosure via StopForeclosureReality.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Vignes_Chandran

8 Inside Secrets to Avoiding Foreclosure

Over 2 million Americans are in danger of losing their most important investment. Too many people don't know that there is help available from lenders, and many ways to negotiate with them. You just need to know what the best options are for your situation. Here are 8 inside secrets that will help you on your path to avoid foreclosure and take back control of your life.

1. Don't be in Denial and Ignore the Problem: The further you allow yourself to get behind, the more likely it will be that you will not be able to catch up and could loose your home.

2. Contact your Lender as soon as you realize their may be a problem: Although they do not want your property, they have guidelines to follow with limited flexibility, so the sooner you work with them, the better your chances of getting what you want.

3. Ask questions: Ask if your loan is owned by an Investor or is it owned by your Lender. This will make a difference in what they can and/or will not do to help you.

4. Know your Mortgage Rights: Find your loan documents and read them so you will know what your Lender can do if you can't make your mortgage payments. Learn about the Foreclosure Laws in your state, including the foreclosure time frames.

5. Understand Foreclosure Prevention (Loss Mitigation): Learn the terminology and know all of the workout options that are available to you. Some of them are Forebearance, Repayment Plan, Modification, Deed in Lieu (DIL) and Pre-Foreclosure sale.

6. Prioritize Your Spending: Make your Mortgage a Priority. Cut back and eliminate lifestyle spending vs. required spending. Ex. Cable, memberships, entertainment, dining out. Delay payments to credit cards and other "unsecured" debt.

7. Avoid Foreclosure Prevention Companies: You don't need to pay outlandish fees for foreclosure prevention help as long as you do the research and ask the right questions. Many of these for profit companies may be legitimate, but they will charge you up to 2 to 3 months of payments for information and services that you can obtain directly from your Lender for free.

8. Don't Fall for Foreclosure Recovery Scams: If a firm claims that they can stop your foreclosure immediately, if you sign a document appointing them to act on your behalf, STOP! you may be signing over the title to your property over to them. Never sign a legal document without reviewing thoroughly or obtaining legal advise from a trusted professional.

DIY Foreclosure Consultants provides free information and consultations for borrowers facing foreclosure. Check out our website for more information at http://DIYForeclosureConsultants.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dawna_Watson

Stop Your Foreclosure - Simple Suggestions on How to End This Process

If you own a home and you have recently lost your job, you may be headed toward great financial hardship. This may include being unable to feed your family as well as not being able to make your monthly payments. If you get behind on your mortgage, you could lose your home. Here are a few suggestions that can help you stop your foreclosure from happening or end one that is currently in progress.

One of the most traumatic things that can happen to a person or a family is to lose their home. Although the process tends to take several months, there is a horrible negative emotional feeling that accompanies knowing that at some point you will be thrown out of your home.

It is true that there are several thousand cases of people living in properties where they have not made a payment in several years. This has to do with the area that they are in and how backlogged the system is in regard to keeping up with who is delinquent on their loans.

Here are a few things you should know about this process.

Lenders such as banks provide home loans to people under the condition that the home itself is security for the money they are given. The idealistic situation is that once an owner defaults on their note, the lender is then able to sell the property to recover the amount they have lost.

The trouble is that in today's economy, there are so many foreclosures that banks are overwhelmed by the caseloads and therefore may not get to each one in a timely manner.

Also, due to government bailout funding, banks are trying very hard to remove bad debt from their books. This includes houses that have been foreclosed upon or art in the foreclosure process. In essence, homes are not liquid assets. They cannot invest this money. Therefore, bank owned properties are becoming a cheap solution for many people that are financially stable. They are able to acquire their first home sometimes at a fraction of the cost.

One of the best ways to prevent anything from happening is to stop the proceedings he for they occur. By negotiating with the bank that is the primary lender, there are ways now that were not available before to stay in your household and renegotiate the payment amount.

You could also request forgiveness of payments that you are delinquent on and promised to pay on time starting from the time of renegotiation. They can also lower interest rates and extend the period of time necessary for the mortgage to be repaid.

There are many options that are available. You simply have to have dialogue with your lender and look at what is available for you. They do not want to have a foreclosure on their books and therefore through proper negotiations, you may be able to stay in your home and lower your payment at the same time.

If you would like to learn more tips on how to stop or prevent your foreclosure, go to: http://www.stop-prevent-foreclosure.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daniel_Sageworth

5 Ways to Stop Foreclosure Immediately - Don't Let the Bank Destroy Your Family

There are various ways to stop foreclosure immediately, but the most common way homeowners can prevent foreclosure is by using the loan modification process. During this time of financial unrest, getting out of a bad financial situation is not really unheard of. Families today have options and lenders are willing to work with your family to keep you in your home. The following ideas could help keep the stress off your shoulders and the creditors and loan collectors off your back.

1: Refinance your original loan. Money lenders will consider foreclosure refinance loans if they feel you will not neglect making payments to them. Qualifying for refinancing is tough and the requirements are strict. The requirements include equity from your home and a steady income. Although the payments may turn out to be higher some homeowners prefer to start off fresh and use refinance as one of the ways to stop foreclosure of their family home. But let's face it; there has to be an easier way.

2: Selling to a relative or close friend to prevent foreclosure may be your only way out temporarily. You will be out of your financial situation and be able to have them carry you for a while until you land back on your feet. You can lease or rent back the property from them until you are financially able to buy the property back. But if you don't feel safe or trusting with the people you'll be working with; this option may turn into a way for family or friend to make a quick profit selling your home at a reduced rate.

3: Try bankruptcy to stop a foreclosure in progress, but this can become an expensive alternative. The amount of payments which need to be made to satisfy the creditors and bankruptcy costs make this an option for those who have a large amount of disposable income. Let's face it if disposable income is available your family wouldn't be in this situation.

4: One of the easiest ways to stop foreclosure immediately is to sell the property outright before the foreclosure has time to proceed. If you can get enough for your home paying off your debt in time will stop the foreclosure from proceeding but will leave your family looking for a new place to live.

5: Work with an online loan modification service to prevent or stop a foreclosure from going through. This type of service will work with your lender to help rework your arrangement in order for your family to keep their home. The banks would prefer to get paid and not have to deal with trying to sell your home. This option will at the very least help you to repair your credit and hopefully prepare you to purchase another home in the future.

How to Get Help From Loan Modification Experts
Take some of the stress off and get help from loan modification expert. I've found one company that can offer the help you need. They are considered one of the top foreclosure specialists and the initial consultation is absolutely free. So if your mortgage balance is over $100,000, CLICK HERE and simply fill out the contact form.

With the help of online professionals, you'll be able to stop your home from foreclosure and negotiate a lower mortgage payment for your family budget. I wish you luck!

Get help from a foreclosure specialist: http://www.stopforeclosuresnow.info/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jake_Worthington

Why Investing in Bank Foreclosure Homes is a Smart Idea

If you ask around, a lot of investors will say that investing in bank foreclosure homes for profit is a nice way of making money. Given the current economic condition of the country, you need to make sure that the money you saved will not be put at risk. For those of you who are still skeptical about foreclosure investing, here are some of the reasons why it is a smart idea.

Plenty to Choose From

For starters, you will not have any trouble finding bank foreclosures for sale in the market. Right now, all the advantages are being enjoyed by buyers considering the huge inventory of foreclosure homes. Although some would argue that it would be difficult to find a foreclosed property that requires little repair, the fact is that you will be able to enjoy a large selection to choose from. All you need is some patience to find the one that you think will be worthy of buying.

Cheapest Real Estate Properties for Sale

Compared to other real properties, these foreclosed homes are the most affordable --- especially nowadays. Most of the banks that own these houses would be more than happy to offer huge discounts in order to reduce the size of their foreclosure inventory. As a buyer, you can negotiate the sales condition without much trouble. You just need to determine what your plans are for the foreclosed property in order to ask for the right discount.

Healthy Buyer Interest

Considering the great return potential that these repossessed houses offer, it should not come as a surprise that buyers are interested in them. As an investor, you might want to take advantage of such interest especially if you are thinking of selling these bank foreclosure homes once you have spruced it up. A lot of first time home buyers check out these homes because of how cheaper they are compared to newly-built houses.

With all these reasons, it should be clear why you should invest in bank foreclosure homes. But before you do so, make sure that you have done the legwork in order to make informed decisions.

Joseph B. Smith has been educating buyers on the finer points of Bank Foreclosure Homes at BankForeclosuresSale.com for over five years. Contact Joseph B. Smith through BankForeclosuresSale.com if you need help finding information about Bank Foreclosure Homes.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joseph_B._Smith

12 Tips for Getting Your Bank Loan Approved

Securing a bank loan to finance your small business is getting to be more difficult. Here are twelve basic steps you must take before going to the bank for a business loan.

Finding the money needed to start a new business is almost always one of the most difficult obstacles new owners face. The most likely (and easiest) sources of capital are your families, friends and own savings. However, you should not overlook institutional sources as well.

Without a previous track record in business, securing a bank loan may be difficult. Banks cite risk factors and increasing costs of servicing small accounts as the primary reasons for minimizing their exposure to small businesses. Still, it can be done. Here are the steps that you should take to improve your chances of getting that much-needed bank loan:

1. Keep in mind that to stay in business banks need to make loans. Do not be afraid to ask for one. That is what the loan officer wants you to do. To increase your chances of getting a loan, look for a bank that is familiar with your industry and who has done business with companies like yours. Seek out banks that are active in small business financing. Some banks lend on a conventional basis (lending money without government support), while some banks participate in government programs (in the form of government participations involving direct government funds or loan guarantees). However, be aware that banks often demand stiff collateral requirements for start-ups.

2. As an entrepreneur, make sure that you are thoroughly prepared when you go to your banker's office to request a loan. You need to show your bankers that a loan to you is a low-risk proposition. Have on hand a completed loan application, copies of cash flow and financial statement projections covering at least three years, and your cover letter.

3. Learn to anticipate every question that he or she has. Remember, the combination of information and preparation is the most powerful negotiating tool in the world. A confident and thoroughly prepared borrower is four times more likely to have his or her loan approved than a borrower who does not know the answer to some of the basic questions a banker asks. To show the extent of your preparedness, your business plan should also include answers to your banker's questions. These questions normally are:

How much money do you need? Be as exact as possible; although adding a little extra for contingencies will not hurt.
How long do you need it for? Be prepared to go into detail about what the money will do for you and why your business is a good risk.
What are you going to do for it? Businesses use loans for three things: to buy new assets, pay off old debts, or pay for operating expenses.
When and how you will repay for it? Your cash flow projections should provide a repayment time frame. Convince the banker of the long-term profitability of your business and your ability to repay the loan by using your financial projections and business plan.
What will you do if you do not get the loan?
4. Do not take an apologetic and negative attitude. Keep your negativity in check. Present yourself as an entrepreneur who can and will repay the loan. Boost your image by providing your loan officer with any promotional materials about your business, such as brochures, ads, articles, press releases, etc.

5. Dress in a professional manner for the interview. This is a business transaction, so treat it as such.

6. Do not stretch the truth in your loan application. Broad, unsubstantiated statements should be avoided. The lender can easily check many of the facts on your application. If you cannot support statements with solid data, then don't make them. Do your homework and spend time doing research to be able to support everything you say, including every single number in your projections. It is best to keep projections, assets lists and collateral statements on the conservative side.

7. Be sure all your documents are neat, legible and organized in a cohesive and attractive manner. Type all your loan documents. Handwritten documents look unprofessional. Don't forget to include a cover letter.

8. Do not push the loan officer for a decision. Doing so might result in a rejection. Your banker cannot make a decision until all your documentation is complete. To ensure a speedy decision, make sure that your application is complete.

9. Be confident. An attitude of confidence enhances your chance of getting the loan. Show that you can make a success out of the money that the bank will lend to you. Visualize in your mind the positive results of your bank application.

10. Keep trying one lender after another until you get your loan. To improve your position as you change bankers and banks, the best way is to ask for a referral from a successful entrepreneur. Before you decide to approach a bank directly, find an associate, friend or acquaintance that is in good standing with the bank to give you a good referral. Bankers tend to deal more favorably those who were referred to them by their best customers.

11. Failure to discuss risk in your application. You must remember one thing: there is no business without risk. If you do not discuss risk, the bankers will assume that you haven't thought about risk. Let's face it - try as we might, we cannot plan for everything, for every contingency, for every turn of events. Bankers would want to know if you have planned for the major risks and how you intend to manage it.

Then, there is also the risk of too much success. The demand for your products or service may exceed well beyond your expectations, and they would want to know how you intend to handle success.

12. Remember that the first loan is usually the hardest to get. Bankers prefer to lend money to borrowers who have borrowed at least once and have paid back at least one loan on time. They are not venture capitalists that make high-risk loans regardless of the profit prospects of your business. Bankers prefer to lend to low-risk, low profit ventures than to high risk businesses or those with no record of accomplishment.

Bank Loan Modification - 5 Basic Tips to Stop Bank Foreclosure Now

A bank loan modification agreement is a long-term solution for those who will never be able to repay their existing loans. Millions of homeowners unable to refinance their loans may be looking for other ways to avoid or stop bank foreclosure over the next few years.

A bank loan modification is a change worked out between you and your bank. Your existing home owner's loan is reworked in response to your long-term inability to repay the loan. In order to avoid foreclosure the modifications will typically involve one of three changes or a combination of the following three: they may reduce the interest rate on the loan, make an extension of the time you have to repay the loan, or create a totally different type of loan. The lender will hopefully be open to modifying a loan because the cost of making the change is often less than the cost of loan default.

When you are facing foreclosure, dealing with your lender can be much like dealing with an angry family member who you owe money to. Some lenders are just not willing to negotiate when you are facing financial difficulties. Loan modification foreclosure prevention can help you avoid the stress and anger involved with trying to keep your family in your home. It is up to you to convince your lender that it would benefit them to agree to a workout arrangement with you. Unfortunately without proper guidance this may be more difficult than you had imagined. The use of foreclosure prevention counselors can make the process much easier to deal with.

Losing your home may be a fear many of us will soon realize but learning to navigate through the system of bank loan modification may be the answer to keep your family in a more stable situation and stop bank foreclosure.

5 Tips to Avoid Foreclosing on Your Home

Don't spend your house payment: you may get confused deciding which bills to pay. Knowing you may lose your home, you may decide to pay your other bills in order not to fall behind and go into collections.
Save time: using foreclosure prevention counselors will save you the time it will take to learn from your mistakes in dealing with your bank.
Have a professional on your side: your bank will have a team of experts on their side. This process is scary and difficult to accomplish on your own.
Learn the right way to work out your problem. Your home is at stake! Learn to properly navigate through the process of bank loan modification; this is no time to guess.
Relax help is only a click away: you are a responsible homeowner, FIGHT BACK against the conditions you find yourself in.
Struggling borrowers can stay in their homes - even as values decline sharply - as long as they can make their monthly payments.

Get Help From Loan Modification Experts
Talk to a bank loan modification expert today. If your mortgage balance is over $100,000 click here and simply fill out the contact form for a free consultation.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jake_Worthington

Bank Loan Tips 24h

Welcome to Bank loan 24h tips