8 Inside Secrets to Avoiding Foreclosure

Over 2 million Americans are in danger of losing their most important investment. Too many people don't know that there is help available from lenders, and many ways to negotiate with them. You just need to know what the best options are for your situation. Here are 8 inside secrets that will help you on your path to avoid foreclosure and take back control of your life.

1. Don't be in Denial and Ignore the Problem: The further you allow yourself to get behind, the more likely it will be that you will not be able to catch up and could loose your home.

2. Contact your Lender as soon as you realize their may be a problem: Although they do not want your property, they have guidelines to follow with limited flexibility, so the sooner you work with them, the better your chances of getting what you want.

3. Ask questions: Ask if your loan is owned by an Investor or is it owned by your Lender. This will make a difference in what they can and/or will not do to help you.

4. Know your Mortgage Rights: Find your loan documents and read them so you will know what your Lender can do if you can't make your mortgage payments. Learn about the Foreclosure Laws in your state, including the foreclosure time frames.

5. Understand Foreclosure Prevention (Loss Mitigation): Learn the terminology and know all of the workout options that are available to you. Some of them are Forebearance, Repayment Plan, Modification, Deed in Lieu (DIL) and Pre-Foreclosure sale.

6. Prioritize Your Spending: Make your Mortgage a Priority. Cut back and eliminate lifestyle spending vs. required spending. Ex. Cable, memberships, entertainment, dining out. Delay payments to credit cards and other "unsecured" debt.

7. Avoid Foreclosure Prevention Companies: You don't need to pay outlandish fees for foreclosure prevention help as long as you do the research and ask the right questions. Many of these for profit companies may be legitimate, but they will charge you up to 2 to 3 months of payments for information and services that you can obtain directly from your Lender for free.

8. Don't Fall for Foreclosure Recovery Scams: If a firm claims that they can stop your foreclosure immediately, if you sign a document appointing them to act on your behalf, STOP! you may be signing over the title to your property over to them. Never sign a legal document without reviewing thoroughly or obtaining legal advise from a trusted professional.

DIY Foreclosure Consultants provides free information and consultations for borrowers facing foreclosure. Check out our website for more information at http://DIYForeclosureConsultants.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dawna_Watson


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