4 Student Loan Forgiveness Tips

Bankloan24h: Many college students are struggling to pay back student loan debt due to lower paying jobs and difficulty in finding a job in this economy. The average college student graduates with over $20,000 in student loan debt and many also have credit card debt. It can take an entire lifetime to pay back student loan and credit card debt if you just send in the minimum monthly payment. Some common solutions are to live below your means, work multiple jobs, work overtime or live at home with your parents for as long as possible. However, there is another alternative, student loan forgiveness programs. Here are 4 ways to pay off student loans.

High school math and science teachers, and elementary and high school special education teachers who agree to work in low-economic areas for five years can get up to $17,500 forgiven in Stafford loans. The teachers have to teach full time for five consecutive years. Visit the U.S. Department of Education website at studentaid.ed.gov and complete the Cancellation and Deferment Option for Teachers form to see if you qualify.

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) offers a Federal Student Loan Repayment Program the allows any federal agency to forgive up to $10,000 annually for your federal student loans up to a maximum amount of $60,000. For further details call OPM at 202-606-1800 or visit their website at opm.gov/oca/pay/StudentLoan.

You can do volunteer work by joining the AmeriCorps, Peacecorps, or Vista. You can also get a job in a public service industry such as military service, public health, social work, emergency management, government, public safety, law enforcement, public interest law services, or child care. Visit studentaid.ed.gov for more information.

If you have a Perkins loan you can have the loans discharged if you served in the U.S. Armed Forces. If you served in a hostile area or war area you can get fifty percent of your Perkins loans forgiven. More information about student loan forgiveness programs can be found at the FinAid website at finaid.org.

Harrine Freeman is owner of H.E. Freeman Enterprises, a speaker, personal finance expert and the author of, "How to Get Out of Debt: Get an "A" Credit Rating for Free Using the System I%u2019ve Used Successfully with Thousands of Clients.

H.E. Freeman Enterprises is a personal finance services company that helps clients restore their credit and learn how to manage their finances. She has appeared in Forbes, Essence, and Black Enterprise Magazines, as well as NBC, the Prince Georges Gazette, Bankrate.com, Yahoo.com and Credit Cards.com.

She is a member of Credit Professionals International, the American Association of Daily Money Managers, SPAWN, Toastmasters, AAUW, National Association of Women Writers, and the Women Network.

For more information on how to get out of debt or to buy her book please visit http://www.hefreemanenterprises.com She can be reached via email at hfreeman@hefreemanenterprises.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Harrine_Freeman


Student Loan – 7 Essential Tips For Finding The Best Lender

Bankloan24h: There are a variety of lenders offering low cost federal student loans as well as many options in private student loans.

Your student loan will possibly impact on your financial situation for several years, thus it is important for you to choose the best lender and a loan with the best terms that suits your situation and gives you some financial flexibility.

Many lenders offer various benefits to students, including reduced up-front fees or repayment incentives, which helps you save some money and have some financial flexibility.

It is important for you to know that lenders may vary on different areas like interest rates, offers and terms and conditions. You will therefore to make a thorough research on some selected lenders and compare what they offer to make sure that you will get the loan that suits your needs and gives you the financial flexibility.

So What Are The 7 Key Things You Will Need To Consider When Searching For A Lender For Your Student Loan?

1. Most schools or colleges where you will be attending have a list of recommended loan lenders, and this is an important starting point for you. This list will give you a list of good lenders, from which you can start to do your research on who can offer you a loan that best suit your situation.

2. The most useful forms of student loan programs are the Stafford and Plus federal loan programs, so you will need to establish if the prospect lender is part of the Stafford and Plus programs.

3. Find out about the discounts, interest reductions and rebate programs which the prospective lender offers. Spend some time researching and checking on their websites to know more about their offers. Having a loan that has various favorable offers means that you will be able to make some savings.

4. Some lenders offer to sell loans to secondary markets, which can help you enjoy additional benefits like reduced interest rates. It is important for you to find out if the lender does offer an option to sell student loans.

5. It is important for you to find out if your prospect lender uses a service company. Borrowing money from a lender may be paying the money back to a service that is hired by the lender to take care of the management of the loan. You will need to know about all the parties involved in the student loan process.

6. It is also recommended for you to know if student loan lender offers a special program that helps students avoid loan default.

7. Find out from your prospect lender if they participate in electronic processes. Some lenders offer the option for electronic Fund Transfer in streamlining the student loan process. There are some who send loans via paper check to your schools, and it is necessary for you to know their procedures so that you will be able to choose the lender that will be convenient for you.

It is important for you to have a student loan that is suited to you, and leaves you with time to focus on your studies. By following the hints stated about, you can easily get a loan that is stress-free and suited to your circumstances.

Dean Shainin is a consultant specializing in student loan consolidation. Get valuable resources, tools, information and more articles on student loan consolidation, visit this site: http://school-loans.deans-knowledgebase.com

Get free valuable online tips from his: School Loan website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dean_Shainin


Student Loan Consolidation Tips - Reduce Debt by Refinancing

Bankloan24h: Reduce debt by refinancing student loans may look like just a simple and a single line statement but it is something more than that because it can totally wipe out the financial woes of a student. Refinancing has emerged as a savior for the students who are financially not strong and are incapable of repaying their debts. It is also known as student loan consolidation program, which enables a student to restructure his debts, bad credits and the whole student loan. The loan can be paid back in smaller installments over a long period than the initially promised period.

Student loan consolidation can be done via two methods; federal loan consolidation and private loan consolidation.

Federal loan consolidations will be government sponsored, where the government will assess the financial conditions of the student and after assessing the whole situation, a grant is issued by the federal government that can reduce your debt repayment installments by a huge margin of up to 53 percent.

Even if you fail to get the federal grant, private loan consolidation firms can help you to consolidate your debts. The private loan consolidation program will have comparatively higher interest rates but they are equally good as federal grant programs. The repayment period is also extended under the programs that give enough time to the student to earn enough money so that he can repay the whole loan amount and the term usually lasts for 20-25 years. One can even chose to repay the loan amount before the term actually ends and the loan documents will be handed back to the student and the loan will be considered over at the same moment.

The loan refinancing programs are obtained by filing an application and the best thing is that one can file his or her application online also. All you have to do is to go to the website of concerned loan consolidation program or service provider, download the application form, fill it and mail it back to them. Your job is done there and then and once the assessment is done, you can avail the facilities of loan consolidating.

Refinancing your student loans must be understood as a revival program for the financially weak students rather than looking it as a mere statement. Now, the students need not to worry about their monthly and their educational expenses because loan refinancing and consolidation programs for students will ensure that they stick to their main aim, which is studying, whereas the financial matters will be taken care by themselves.

Act today! and start the journey to your financial freedom. Visit StudentLoansConsolidationHelp.com.

Or click HERE to learn how to get the government to pay for your higher education without you ever having to pay them back!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Witts


Student Loan Consolidation Tips and Tricks

Bankloan24h: Students across the nation are having troubles with their student loans. If you are experiencing similar problems, you don't have to be ashamed or afraid at all. There are actually options and solutions provided by different parties; these solutions are being made available with the sole purpose of helping students like you cope with their loans after graduating. If you get employed as soon as you finished school, you can easily assess your income and the monthly payments to see if you can afford the current repayment plan. If you can't or you feel that it is too expensive -- due to high interest rates or other charges -- you can easily opt for a student loan consolidation.

To make your first step into solving your problems with the help of loan consolidation, find reliable and trustworthy institutions that are offering beneficial student loan consolidation plans. After sorting out a couple of available offers, you can easily calculate and compare each solution to see which one is the most profitable for your current situation. Don't forget to take your time and find reliable online resource center to gain valuable information and additional useful tools that can help you find the best loan consolidation plan in no time at all.

Make sure you take monthly payment, interest rate, and other charges into consideration. You would want the consolidation plan to be affordable and not just cheaper than the original student loans you are dealing with. No matter how cheap the consolidation plan is, it will not work for you if you cannot afford the monthly payment. Plus, you would also have to consider the length of the loan; generally, after being consolidated, they still have the same loan period.

The actual student loan consolidation application process is very swift. You wouldn't have to wait a long time to get approval, and shortly after that they'll be converted into one consolidated loan. Make sure you know exactly what you are getting into by reading terms and conditions as well as the consolidation agreement before closing the deal, and you will have no trouble at all repaying the loan.

Gary Singh owns StudentFinAidInfo website providing free information on student financial aid, student loan consolidation, pell grant eligibility, private student loan consolidation and expected family contribution.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gary_Singh


Student Loan Refinancing Strategy - 3 Tips to Make Your Repayments Cheaper

Bankloan24h: It is a shame that heavy debt is the result of achieving higher education. Although this is the case you must really look at the situation from the best angle you can. Unfortunately debt is a part of life and you have two options to deal with it; Manage the debt to your best ability or two let it grow and eventually consume you! Student loans refinancing may be your best option to manage the debt successfully until it is paid off. Let us take a look at 3 Tips to help you get started:

1. What can you realistically afford to pay? There is no point over extending yourself to try and pay the loan off quicker. By doing so you could put yourself into financial hardship. If you earn $200 per week there is no point trying to repay $500 per month. Try and manage your money in a way that your debt consumes no more than 30% of your total income. If it does you may need to look at getting a higher paying job or second job.

2. Talk to your current financial lender to see if they can restructure your loan. Sometimes you do not need to go elsewhere for student loans refinancing. They may be able to lengthen the time period of your loan in order to make the monthly repayments less. This will increase the cost of interest over time. However it does allow a bit of breathing space until you are earning a much higher income. Grad students do find it financially crippling as they begin their careers. By doing this you can reduce the heavy debt burden in the short term with a long term view of paying the loan off quicker.

3. There is no harm in seeking additional lending elsewhere. If your current lender is prepared to negotiate the terms and conditions of your loan you then have the option to compare these conditions with other student loan lenders. Keep your options open. You will have plenty of options if you have a good credit history and if your payments have been timely this will also work in your favor.

Consolidate Student Debt

Get The Best Consolidation Student Debt Loans. Refinance Options Are Available! Act Now!


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ross_T_Richards


Tips on How to Manage Your Student Loan

Bankloan24h: Many students will bear witness that, in more cases than not, one will need to apply for a student loan to cater for tuition fees through their college studies. It has become relatively easy to acquire these loans, bearing in mind that many financial firms have been set up with the aim of bailing students out of financial difficulties. On the part of the student, one needs to keep in mind that repayment of the loan may not be as easy as borrowing it. This is why there is need to come with a strategy on how to manage the loan. The strategy should be formulated while one is still in college instead of waiting until when you are hassling to get a job.

Remember a few things about your student loan:

1)The repayment period for your loan greatly depends on the amount of money that you have borrowed. Some take even up to 30 years to repay, and it is therefore up to you to be financially responsible, so that you can clear off the debt within the shortest time possible.
2)The sooner you get your loan cleared, the lower the interest you will be subjected to. These are terms that you can get to agree on with your lender the moment you sign up an agreement for the loan with them. This is to say that, for you to be able to effectively manage your student loan, you must do a lot of hard work as you set out to look for a lender.
3)Getting a lender who will give you favorable rates, terms and conditions for the loan is not very easy and you must shop around, online or otherwise.

For some tips on how to manage a student loan remember:

1)It is always advisable to go for financial counseling before signing that loan agreement with any lender. The more knowledge you can gain regarding borrowing and repayment, the better placed you will be to prepare yourself for the task ahead.
2)Once you are through with your college education and it is time to start repaying the loan, calculate just how much you will need to pay every month and start keeping this money aside every month without failure.
3)If the minimum amount required by the lender is not affordable, look for other repayment plans that are available. Among them is the student loan consolidation plan.

Student loan consolidation will be effective for you if you owe multiple lenders. Consolidation always ensures that you repay at cheaper rates, consider this option if you have a federal student loan. If possible and in order to reduce the risk of forgetting to make a payment, make your repayment automated. This is to say that they will automatically be deducted from your account on the due date every month. Automated repayments will also earn you discounts on the interest rates. To manage your student loan even more effectively, please make sure that you notify your lender when you are faced with an economic hardship that makes you unable to repay. If not be prepared to be slapped with a penalty fee for default.

Peter Gitundu Creates Interesting And Thought Provoking Content on Student Loans. For More Information, Read More Of His Articles Here MANAGE STUDENT LOAN If You Enjoyed This Article, Make Sure You Read My Most Recent Posts Here STUDENT LOANS.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Gitundu


Can't Get A Bank Loan? Tips For Alternate Small Business Funding

Already we are seeing the results of the demise of the mortgage market due to the sub prime debacle. Lending banks have severely tightened lending criteria as their asset bases erode and the financial sector comes under huge pressure. Wall street does not like to see 2.5 billion dollar write offs from Morgan Stanley and the like. John Maudlin said in his November 9th Newsletter "Data released in the past few months, and again this week, have shown that banks and other lenders are tightening their standards for all sorts of loans. And it is not just that they are becoming more like an old-fashioned banker who actually wanted to know that he could get his money back". (John Maudlin, Frontline Thoughts)

Start up companies and smaller operations with limited assets are the ones who have benefited over the last five years of easy money. Some company's were even funded through second mortgages because they were cheaper and easier to get than an SBA LOC. For all but a lucky few that option is now gone.

I recently completed a very solid business plan for a client that was denied funding. At first I was surprised. But given the external factors that now affect the lending market the response from the bank will be a common one. No more easy money.

So now everyone will have to get creative to get financed. Here are my top two creative ways of finding the money when you are a small business in need:

Friends and Family -

Sometimes people look at me and say "but my friends and family don't have any money." Well, neither did mine when I wanted any for my business. But a funny thing about friends and family - when I approached them with a solid plan and a sample product they could see, feel, and admire, suddenly they were open to the idea. But here's the trick: I didn't ask any ONE person for the whole amount. I took seven different loans to get $25,000 and paid them back according to need.

So my friend who lent me her last $5000 got hers paid back first, and my grandfather, who was retired and didn't need his $5000 right away was willing to wait. Everyone knew the payment schedule and signed their acceptance of it. When I needed the last $5000 and no ONE person had it, I had two friends who even lent me $2500 each. That's how you can put money together creatively.

Merchant Account Advance -

Almost every business now accepts credit cards. Not only have they proven in studies to raise individual ticket sales (people will charge more than they will pay with cash), merchant accounts allow for greater flexibility for the small merchant. You don't have to be open at 2 am to make a sale-your website can do it for you.

So now you can get money in advance of future sales. Merchant account advances are a relatively new way for merchants to access cash. Business owners get the cash they need quickly. Instead of having to worry about large monthly payments, the loan is repaid from a small percentage of each credit card sale the business makes.

There are qualifications. But if you are open for business and have consistent credit card sales this is a great avenue to explore.

If you need to raise money for your business and you can't get a conventional loan, just take the time to think outside the box. There are several other options open to you.

My special report "15 ways to get money for your small business" can be found at my website http://www.soaring-phoenix.com In it I list several creative financing options that you can explore for your small business. Leili McKinley specializes in helping small business owners overcome financial difficulty. If you are a small business owner seeking funding or a cash flow management system, I can help. "If you have reached a plateau, we can help you grow."

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Leili_Mckinley

Indymac Federal Bank Loan Modification - How to Apply

Are you stuck in a bad loan and trying to get help with an Indymac loan modification? Well, now is the time to get started learning how you can qualify for a new, lower mortgage payment when you apply for a Indymac Federal Bank mortgage modification. The truth is that it has been a long hard battle for millions of homeowners, but here are some valuable tips that will help you successfully reduce your monthly payments.

Indymac Federal Bank has been offering some borrowers very aggressive loan workout plans. But for many homeowners, that help has been elusive. Why are some borrowers approved and others denied? The secret to getting the help you need is simple-you must be able to prove in black and white that you meet the guidelines for acceptance. The first step is learning what those guidelines are-so here are the basics that you need to know:

You must prove that you have suffered a financial hardship due to circumstances beyond your control. This means that explain in a clear and compelling manner the circumstances that got into this situation and the steps you are taking to try to find a solution to stay in your home. Do you know what circumstances are considered an acceptable hardship?
Indymac Federal Bank must be provided with proof of your income and expenses so that they can verify your ability to pay and maintain the new, modified mortgage. The bank does not want to modify your loan only to have you fall behind again. Do you know how to complete your financial statements to convince them that you are a good candidate for a loan workout?
Do you know what documents you will have to provide to the lender in order to submit a complete and accurate loan modification proposal? It's easy when you follow a submission checklist and document stacking order.
An Indymac Federal Bank loan modification can be done successfully by the average homeowner with just a little bit of information and preparation. You do not have to pay thousands of dollars to a company or attorney to get the results you need. All you need to do is to make the commitment to learn, prepare and work hard to obtain the loan modification you need and deserve. Help is available-you just need to know how to get it.

You can get the help you need to prepare your own loan modification application by ordering and downloading The Complete Loan Modification Guide. This is a low cost, easy to read home edition loan mod kit that will provide you with everything you need to prepare a professional and acceptable loan modification application. You are provided with all of the necessary forms and given detailed directions on how to complete them properly. The Complete Loan Modification Guide will take you step by step through calculating your debt ratio, completing the financial statements, writing your hardship letter and then putting it all together to submit to your lender. Find out about our Customer Support option where we help you complete your application one-on-one. Get started today on the path to secure home ownership, order and download The Complete Loan Modification Guide.

For more information about mortgage loan modification, please visit us at: http://www.myloanmodificationcenter.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Susan_V._Gregory

Tips to Find the Best Loan

How to Find the Best Loan?
At present it is difficult to meet someone who did not use a credit in one form or another, whether a bank loan, car dealers, credit supermarkets to purchase of consumer goods. When it comes to loan on the house, buying a business, buying expensive things choose the loan must be based on a well meaningful, serious decision, we are talking about major financial commitment for many years.

It would seem to be a universal algorithm that helps to choose the best, most suitable option.However, there is no such algorithm, prove this is not hard, just look at the variety of bank advertisements that offer all you want up to free loans, low or even zero initial payment, etc. All companies claim to have the best interest rates for a loan financing, so you need to know who truly offers the best deal for you.

Typically, they focus attention on one loan factor, or other factors not mentioned at all. Here is a simple calculation to attract the attention of a potential client, knowing that not everybody know the lending details.

Usually we have no time to search the best option for the loan, and we are not thinking long time, rush to the first offer which seems us as the best. In this case the effects of advertising are working. We are not prepared to have on hands the most optimal version of a credit for our needs. But the version of the best conditions of the loan should always be ready for use at any time.

Almost every person applied for a loan can get it regardless of his financial situation. The only question is under what conditions he will. The greater risk for the bank to experience problems of loan repayment, the more disadvantageous for the customer requirements for obtaining credit.

When you apply to a financial institution with the loan, you will be evaluated by them for the value of risk of bad loans. Just like you should have 100 points when you open a bank account your financial status will also be evaluated by the point system.

What are the main factors that will influence on the calculation of your ranking?

- The history of your payments. This includes not only the time you pay the bills, but with some regularity, you make a zero balance your credit cards. This factor will give you 30-35 points.
- The number of credit cards that you constantly use. On the one hand the more credit cards in your use the more common possible limit. That means a less risk for lender. On the other hand, it is important whether you do the minimum payments and decrease total available credit or your payments allow you to keep a high free credit. This important factor is valued as 20-25 points.
- Duration of use credit cards. The more time you are actively using credit cards, the more trust you get from lender. This figure is estimated to be 10-15 points.
- Availability of your other bank loans. If you already have credits and successfully guided them, then you know how to handle money. This indicator is usually estimated at 10 points.
- How often do you apply for the loans? If you frequently apply for the loans, it will work against you, even if you successfully repay them. This is a signal for a lender that you are constantly in money need.
When bank grants you the loan it takes into account your age, work experience, income, education, social status, whether the refusal to grant loans, whether you own real estate or renting property.

When you begin to search for a lender sometimes you get a surprise: each of the lenders has shown that he has the most favorable credit conditions and him comparative table follows that this is true.
Which of these best suits you? To answer this question, make our comparison table. Fill in this table the following estimates:

- One-time costs on the loan. This includes charges for loans, charges for the transfer of funds, other charges. Typically these costs are based on percentages from the loan amount.
- One-time credits on related services. These include credit insurance, life insurance of the borrower, notary services.
- Fixed costs. This is the annual interest rate on the loan and the monthly charges on the loan balance.
Draw up a table for each company offering you services on credit, you can easily find a lender with the most suitable for your circumstances.

When you are armed with the data obtained, please follow next advice. Good advice is to find companies that provide results with research of a lot of home loan and interest rate in the market. They research a lot of companies to find out the best offer and service on base a ratio of a quality to a price and they recommend only qualified, reputable and responsible of them.

Finally, having their own research results presented in the table and the opinion of independent experts, you are now ready for free consultation with a representative of credit companies.

It is very difficult to find the best offer you need among the large number of companies. The best way to have a right decision is familiarized with opinion of independent experts. To do so it is necessary find out the company that provided you with objective and independent information about various products and services. You could look at one of such company on http://www.vengos.com which has inspected a lot of companies to find out the best offer of loan on base a ratio of a quality to a price. As result they recommend one of the most qualified, reputable and responsible of them with the best quality for optimum price. It is represented on http:// http://www.loan.vengos.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Valory_Nester