Can't Get A Bank Loan? Tips For Alternate Small Business Funding

Already we are seeing the results of the demise of the mortgage market due to the sub prime debacle. Lending banks have severely tightened lending criteria as their asset bases erode and the financial sector comes under huge pressure. Wall street does not like to see 2.5 billion dollar write offs from Morgan Stanley and the like. John Maudlin said in his November 9th Newsletter "Data released in the past few months, and again this week, have shown that banks and other lenders are tightening their standards for all sorts of loans. And it is not just that they are becoming more like an old-fashioned banker who actually wanted to know that he could get his money back". (John Maudlin, Frontline Thoughts)

Start up companies and smaller operations with limited assets are the ones who have benefited over the last five years of easy money. Some company's were even funded through second mortgages because they were cheaper and easier to get than an SBA LOC. For all but a lucky few that option is now gone.

I recently completed a very solid business plan for a client that was denied funding. At first I was surprised. But given the external factors that now affect the lending market the response from the bank will be a common one. No more easy money.

So now everyone will have to get creative to get financed. Here are my top two creative ways of finding the money when you are a small business in need:

Friends and Family -

Sometimes people look at me and say "but my friends and family don't have any money." Well, neither did mine when I wanted any for my business. But a funny thing about friends and family - when I approached them with a solid plan and a sample product they could see, feel, and admire, suddenly they were open to the idea. But here's the trick: I didn't ask any ONE person for the whole amount. I took seven different loans to get $25,000 and paid them back according to need.

So my friend who lent me her last $5000 got hers paid back first, and my grandfather, who was retired and didn't need his $5000 right away was willing to wait. Everyone knew the payment schedule and signed their acceptance of it. When I needed the last $5000 and no ONE person had it, I had two friends who even lent me $2500 each. That's how you can put money together creatively.

Merchant Account Advance -

Almost every business now accepts credit cards. Not only have they proven in studies to raise individual ticket sales (people will charge more than they will pay with cash), merchant accounts allow for greater flexibility for the small merchant. You don't have to be open at 2 am to make a sale-your website can do it for you.

So now you can get money in advance of future sales. Merchant account advances are a relatively new way for merchants to access cash. Business owners get the cash they need quickly. Instead of having to worry about large monthly payments, the loan is repaid from a small percentage of each credit card sale the business makes.

There are qualifications. But if you are open for business and have consistent credit card sales this is a great avenue to explore.

If you need to raise money for your business and you can't get a conventional loan, just take the time to think outside the box. There are several other options open to you.

My special report "15 ways to get money for your small business" can be found at my website In it I list several creative financing options that you can explore for your small business. Leili McKinley specializes in helping small business owners overcome financial difficulty. If you are a small business owner seeking funding or a cash flow management system, I can help. "If you have reached a plateau, we can help you grow."

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